Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Dear Jolanta Dorywalska (Przedszkole Nr 17 Piastowska Gromada), Congratulations! You have been just awarded with the Quality Label for the work you have done in eTwinning."

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Thank you for your cooperation to all project partners!
I am proud and very happy!

Dear Jolanta,

Congratulations! I am proud of your great work of  project "Once upon a time ". Professionalism, innovation and pedagogical wonderful ideas, this gave us You, Jolanta, as our partner!

Give my greetings to children and your colleagues! I embrace you!

Vanja Sacharjewa - coordinator

Monday, March 28, 2011

Workschop on Tales - "Zwei Saurier" (Ramona-Germany)

Es war einmal ein Saurier. Er stapfte durch die Weld. Er wollte Freunde finden. Als er ganz weit gelauen war, sah er den Saurier Max.
-"Hallo, Max! Wollen wir gemeinsam durch die Welt stapfen und Freunde suchen?"
Max überlegte nich lange und stapfte mit durch die Welt.

Nils- Beide spielen ganz viel im großen Wald.
Alina - Max und sein Freund Frechdachs.
Aimie,Alina - Sie spielen Fußball mit einer großen Melone."Au-a-Au-a, ich blute!" - ruft Frechdachs.
Caroline - Da kommt Max und tröstet ihn mit seinen großen Pfoten.
Alina - Sie setzen sich auf einen riesen großen Stein.
Nils - Sie gehen weiter durch den Wald. Es wurde schon ganz dunkel.
Charly - Sie schlafen auf einer großen Wiese mit vielen bunten Blumen.
Somaya - Am nächchsten Tag stapfen sie weiter und suchen neue Freunde.

Wir malen mit dem Programm PAINT / We paint with the program PAINT

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Skype meeting with our Polish friends

We make a skype meeting with our Polish friends. We are very exciting about it. We said ,, Hello''and sang spring song but our Polish friends sang two English songs and one Polish. Some of puples introduse themself. ,, Hello'' told us Marisa,Iva, Daria, Bartek, Igor and other children. Many thanks to all children and teachers who participated in the Skype meeting. Special thanks to Jolanta your patience and understanding.

Spring stories - Once upon a time...were children and their parents (Jolanta-Poland)

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Manuela Valecz : "Once upon a time" - Congratulations on this excellent project!

Manuela Valecz
Head of the kindergarten
International certified IT manager for preschool education
Eno Coordinator

Kindergarten Launegg

"Dear Colleagues,
Congratulations on this excellent project.
Good ideas, well think out. Pedagogical valuable.
European idea well-organized and implemented.
Best Regards!"

"Скъпи колеги,
Поздравления за този отличен проект! Добри идеи, добре премислено. Педагогически  ценно. Европейската идея - добре организирана и реализирана.
Най-добри пожелания!"

"Liebe Kolleginnen,
Gratuliere zu diesem hervorragenden Projekt! Gute Ideen-gut durchdacht. Pädagogisch wertvoll.
Der europäische Gedanke gut erkannt und verwirklicht.
Best regards!"

Workschop on Tales - "Once upon the time there was a unicorn..." (Jolanta-Poland)

Once upon the time there was a unicorn. One day he went out of the forest and he saw a castle. He decided to go inside. When the unicorn left the castle he saw a red bull. The red bull started to chase him but the unicorn escaped to the forest.
The next day the unicorn went outside the forest again, and he saw something shining. I was a 'make-a-wish' stone. The unicorn made a wish: I want an ice cream with a straw and a balloon flight. The unicorn forgot about one fact: when it's raining the bad man appears in the forest. A bad man who chases unicorns. When the unicorns heard the man's steps he kicked him hard. The man span around and everything in his head turned. Now, he wasn't a bad man anymore but a very good person. He decided to release all unicorns.

Pewnego razu żył sobie jednorożec. Wyszedł na skraj lasu i zobaczył zamek. Postanowił wejść do niego. Przy zamku zauważył czerwonego byka, który zaczął go gonić, ale jednorożec uciekł do lasu, który go schronił.
Następnego dnia kiedy wyszedł z lasu zobaczył coś lśniącego. Był to klejnot, który spełniał życzenia. Jednorożec wypowiedział życzenie: Chcę lody ze słomką i lot balonem. Zapomniał jednak, że kiedy pada deszcz pojawia się zbieracz jednorożców. Kiedy usłyszał jego kroki kopnął go, zbieraczowi zakręciło się w głowie i stał się dobrym człowiekiem, który uwolnił wszystkie uwięzione jednorożce.

Once upon a time was the spring olympics (Jolanta-Poland)

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Workschop on Tales - "Die Mutter, die Giraffe und der Pferd"/"The Mother, the giraffe and the horse"

"The Mother, the giraffe and the horse"

Once upon a time a mother who met a giraffe and a horse. They were in Africa. They found a hut. And then rained and they hid in his hut and made ​​a hot tea.

"Майката, жирафът и конят"

Имало едно време една майка, която срещнала жирафа и един кон. Те били в Африка. Те намерили една хижа. И тогава заваляло и те се скрили в хижата и си направили един горещ чай.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Workschop on Tales - "SWOLLOW" (Jolanta-Poland)

Swollow's grandpa had his birthday. The little swallow picked up some flowers from a meadow and flew to wish her grandfather 'happy birthday'. The grandfather was very excited when he saw the swallow.
IGA (6)

Polish wersion
Dziadek jaskółki miał urodziny. Mała jaskółka zerwała kwiatki na łące i poleciała dziadkowi złożyć życzenia. Jej Dziadek bardzo był wzruszony, kiedy zobaczył jaskółkę.
IGA – lat 6


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Today is Fasching. The crown are made kostums are choice. The dance of the balloons haven't end. Tadey everybody like different - princes and princesses, pirates, Read red riding hood, fairys. We don't stop laugh, dance and fun. A fairy world! We are tired. We are hungry. Today have special FASCHING lunch -MMMM tasty. Tired to bed and dreaming magical world in which we brought costumes and today's celebration.