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The project is connected with a children's literature, art and crafts. Children will make drowing, colages, paintings with their farourite characters.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Mother Hulda (Frau Holle) - Fairy tale of the Gebrüder Grimm (the Grimm brothers)(Katrin-Germany)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
" The pink mouse" part1 (Germany-Sabine,Vania) - Fairytale invented by children
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Once upon a time a pink mouse. It was little and cute. One day it went in terrible wood. There is one palace. The mouse goes to bed because it was very tired. Then come one crocodile with big teeth. He wants to eat the pink mouse but it hid in the basement. Then become dark only moon light. The mouse buy a new car and come back to our mother...
Имало едно време една розова мишка. Тя била малка и сладка. После отишла в страшната гора. Там имало един дворец. Мишката легнала да спи, защото била много изморена. После дошъл един крокодил с големи зъби. Той искал да изяде розовата мишка, но тя се скрила в мазето. После станало тъмно, само луната греела. Мишката купила един чисто нов автомобил и се върнала при милата си майка...
"Once upon a time a pink mouse... "- 2 part (Ekaterina-Bulgaria) -Fairytale invented by children
2 част
...И тогава те останали заедно. Мишката и майка й останали да пият чай. После те отишли на пазар. На пазара си купили бяло сирене, жълт кашкавал с дупки и дрехи. На розовото мишле му купили розова блузка и синьо елече за детската градина, а на майка му - хубава чанта. После те се прибрали, вечеряли, изчистили, прибрали и си легнали да спят. Мишлето заспало дълбок сън. Сънувало, че зъбчето му пада и сънувало феята на зъбките как му взема зъбчето и му дава монета. И тогава...
2 part
...And then they stayed together. Mouse and her mother stay to drink tea. Then they goinnig to shopping.From market they bought white cheese, yellow cheese with holes and clothing. For the Pink mouse - pink shirt and blue bodice for kindergarten and for his mother a nice bag. Then they come back home for dinner, cleared, and gone to bed to sleep. The Pink mouse asleep deep sleep. Dreamed that his tooth felt and Tooth Fairy bring his tooth and gives him a coin. And then...
"The Pink Mouse" - Part 3 (Oksana-Bulgaria) - Fairytale invented by children
The Pink Mouse woke up and ran into the garden to play with the caterpillar, but the caterpillar was sad and didn't want to play. There was a lot of garbage in the garden. The pink mouse helped the caterpillar to clean up.
They put glass waste in the green recycling bin , in the yellow put the plastic waste and the paper in the blue recycling bin. All became very cheerful. For reward Mama Mouse gave them a bowl of apples. They all merrily danced.
Розовото мишле се събудило. Изтичало в градината да поиграе с гъсеницата, но гъсеницата била тъжна и не искала да играе. В градината имало много боклуци. Мишлето помогнало на гъсеничката да изчисти градината. Сложили стъклените отпадъци в зелената кофа, в жълтата кофа поставили пластмасата, а хартията поставили в синята кофа.
Всички се зарадвали. За награда Мама Мишка им дала цяла купа ябълки. Всички затанцували веселия танц.
"THE PINK MOUSE" - PART 4 (Marta-Poland) - Fairytale invented by children
"The pink mouse and caterpillar were playing in the garden.
Later the pink mouse's mother called her for dinner. After delicious meal the pink mouse and her mummy went for a walk to park.
In the park the pink mouse was running and after some time she lost the way to her mummy.
She was very afraid and started crying. Suddenly, she met the bear. He helped pink mouse to find the way home.
Polish version:
"Myszka z dżdżownicą bawiły się w posprzątanym ogrodzie.
Mama różowej myszki zawołała ją na obiad. Po obiedzie myszka z mamą poszły na spacer do parku.
W parku myszka biegała, aż nagle oddaliła się od mamy i się zgubiła.
Bardzo się bała i płakała. Nagle spotkała niedźwiedzia, który pomógł myszce trafić do domu.
"The Pink Mouse" - Part 5 (Przedszkole 17 Gniezno Poland) - Fairytale invented by children
"Hello everyone,
We hope your kids will enjoy our film about the pink mouse at the doctor. To make it easier to understand for your kids we suggest you pre-teach your kids some words on our special platform: www.cleverkid.pl login: partner1 password: partner . Enter the History on the left menu and click the projekt and then e-twinning. Your kids can play the game with some words from our pink mouse story. Jolanta"
It got cold outside. As usual, the mouse went to the garden but forgot to wear a hat, scarf and a coat. The pink mouse got cold. She stared sneezing and coughing. Mum went with the pink mouse to the doctor. The doctor told her to drink warm tea with lemon and honey and wear warm clothes. When the mouse got healthy, she was happy and cheerful again. She promised mum to wear warm clothes outside.
Na dworze zrobiło się zimno. Myszka, jak zwykle wyszła do ogrodu, ale zapomniała założyć czapkę, szalik i płaszcz. Różowa myszka przeziębiła się. Zaczęła psikać i kaszleć. Mama poszła z myszką do lekarza. Pan doktor zalecił pić ciepłą herbatkę z cytryną i miodem oraz ciepło się ubierać. Kiedy myszka wyzdrowiała znowu była radosna i wesoła. Obiecała mamie nie wychodzić na dwór bez ciepłego ubrania.
Dzieci poznały słowa w języku angielskim: czapka - hat, szalik – scarf, płaszcz – coat, cytryna – lemon, miód - honey
We hope your kids will enjoy our film about the pink mouse at the doctor. To make it easier to understand for your kids we suggest you pre-teach your kids some words on our special platform: www.cleverkid.pl login: partner1 password: partner . Enter the History on the left menu and click the projekt and then e-twinning. Your kids can play the game with some words from our pink mouse story. Jolanta"
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It got cold outside. As usual, the mouse went to the garden but forgot to wear a hat, scarf and a coat. The pink mouse got cold. She stared sneezing and coughing. Mum went with the pink mouse to the doctor. The doctor told her to drink warm tea with lemon and honey and wear warm clothes. When the mouse got healthy, she was happy and cheerful again. She promised mum to wear warm clothes outside.
Na dworze zrobiło się zimno. Myszka, jak zwykle wyszła do ogrodu, ale zapomniała założyć czapkę, szalik i płaszcz. Różowa myszka przeziębiła się. Zaczęła psikać i kaszleć. Mama poszła z myszką do lekarza. Pan doktor zalecił pić ciepłą herbatkę z cytryną i miodem oraz ciepło się ubierać. Kiedy myszka wyzdrowiała znowu była radosna i wesoła. Obiecała mamie nie wychodzić na dwór bez ciepłego ubrania.
Dzieci poznały słowa w języku angielskim: czapka - hat, szalik – scarf, płaszcz – coat, cytryna – lemon, miód - honey
"The Pink Mouse" - Part 6 (Publiczna Szkola Podstawowa - Prószków Poland) - Fairytale invented by children
Kinder aus Polen erzählen die Geschichte "Die rosa Maus" auf Deutsch
Children from Poland to tell the story "The pink mouse" in German
Die Geschichte aus Prószków
Rosa Maus
Teil 6
In der Nacht hat es geschneit. Die rosa Maus hat sich sehr darüber gefreut. Sie hat sich warm angezogen, nahm die Mütze und den Schal und ging mit der Mutter spazieren. Sie hat ihre Freundin, die bunte Maus getroffen und beide sind rodeln gegangen. Auf einmal haben sie ganz seltsame Spuren auf dem Schnee entdeckt. Weiter haben sie einen großen Schlitten voll Geschenke gesehen. 12 Rentiere zogen ihn und dann…
Auf Polnisch
W nocy padał śnieg. Różowa myszka bardzo się z tego ucieszyła. Ubrała się ciepło, wzięła czapkę i szalik i poszła z mamą na spacer. Spotkała swoją koleżankę, kolorową myszkę i obie poszły zjeżdżać na sankach. Nagle zauważyły bardzo dziwne ślady. Dalej zobaczyły ogromne sanie załadowane prezentami. Sanie ciągnęło 12 reniferów. Potem…
Children from Poland to tell the story "The pink mouse" in German
Die Geschichte aus Prószków
Rosa Maus
Teil 6
In der Nacht hat es geschneit. Die rosa Maus hat sich sehr darüber gefreut. Sie hat sich warm angezogen, nahm die Mütze und den Schal und ging mit der Mutter spazieren. Sie hat ihre Freundin, die bunte Maus getroffen und beide sind rodeln gegangen. Auf einmal haben sie ganz seltsame Spuren auf dem Schnee entdeckt. Weiter haben sie einen großen Schlitten voll Geschenke gesehen. 12 Rentiere zogen ihn und dann…
Auf Polnisch
W nocy padał śnieg. Różowa myszka bardzo się z tego ucieszyła. Ubrała się ciepło, wzięła czapkę i szalik i poszła z mamą na spacer. Spotkała swoją koleżankę, kolorową myszkę i obie poszły zjeżdżać na sankach. Nagle zauważyły bardzo dziwne ślady. Dalej zobaczyły ogromne sanie załadowane prezentami. Sanie ciągnęło 12 reniferów. Potem…
"The Pink Mouse" - Part 7 (Kremena-Bulgaria) - Fairytale invented by children
Шейната продължи да се движи. Те решили да проследят шейната и тайно се качили на нея.
Шейната ги отвела в една детска градина, където имало коледен празник и децата очаквали подаръците си. Тъкмо слизали от шейната и Дадо Колада ги видял. Той много се зарадвал и ги помолил да му бъдат помощници и да му помогнат с раздаването на подаръците. Започнали да носят чувалите с подаръци и се оказало, че един чувал липсвал.....какво е станало след това?
Sleigh keep moving. They decided to follow the sleigh and secretly embarked on it.
Sleigh led them in a kindergarten, where there was Christmas Day and children expect presents. On descending from the sleigh and Father Christmas saw them. He was very welcoming and asked them to be his assistants and to help him by giving away gifts. Started wearing bags with gifts and found that one bag is missing ..... what happened afterwards?
The Pink Mouse - Part 8 (JI Tojais - S. Miguel de Paredes - Penafiel - Portugal) - Fairytale invented by children
… a prenda caiu do trenó. Quem a encontrou, foi o Urso que foi entrega-la ao Pai-Natal que ficou contente. O Pai-Natal deixou essa prenda na chaminé de casa do Ratinho.
No dia seguinte o Ratinho encontrou o presente junto do Pinheirinho de Natal e abriu-o, era um carro de corrida, foi logo brincar com ele. Corria a casa toda no seu carro…
Passaram dias e, chegou a Primavera; o ratinho saiu de casa muito feliz por estar sol, e, foi brincar com as flores do jardim que já apareciam…
Prilim pim pim… esta história chegou ao fim.
... the gift fell down from sleigh.. Who found the gift was the bear that deliver it to Santa Claus. He was very happy and thanks to the Bear. Santa Claus left this gift in the chimney of the house of Mouse.
The next day the Mouse found this Christmas gift in the Christmas tree and opened it, it was a racing car; he played with it in the same time. He ran the whole house in his car...
After some days when arrived spring, the mouse went home very happy to see the sun, and played with the garden flowers that have appeared ...
Prilim pim pim... this story is over.
No dia seguinte o Ratinho encontrou o presente junto do Pinheirinho de Natal e abriu-o, era um carro de corrida, foi logo brincar com ele. Corria a casa toda no seu carro…
Passaram dias e, chegou a Primavera; o ratinho saiu de casa muito feliz por estar sol, e, foi brincar com as flores do jardim que já apareciam…
Prilim pim pim… esta história chegou ao fim.
... the gift fell down from sleigh.. Who found the gift was the bear that deliver it to Santa Claus. He was very happy and thanks to the Bear. Santa Claus left this gift in the chimney of the house of Mouse.
The next day the Mouse found this Christmas gift in the Christmas tree and opened it, it was a racing car; he played with it in the same time. He ran the whole house in his car...
After some days when arrived spring, the mouse went home very happy to see the sun, and played with the garden flowers that have appeared ...
Prilim pim pim... this story is over.
Monday, January 17, 2011
"Hansel and Gretel" SONG
Hänsel und Gretel verirrten sich im Wald.
Es war so finster und auch so bitterkalt.
Sie kamen an ein Häuschen von Pfefferkuchen fein.
|: Wer mag der Herr wohl von diesem Häuschen sein? :|
Hu, hu, da schaut eine alte Hexe raus,
sie lockt die Kinder ins Pfefferkuchenhaus.
Sie stellte sich gar freundlich, o Hänsel, welche Not!
|: Sie will dich backen im Ofen braun wie Brot! :|
Doch als die Hexe zum Ofen schaut hinein,
ward sie geschoben von Hans und Gretelein.
Die Hexe musste braten, die Kinder geh'n nach Haus,
|: nun ist das Märchen von Hans und Gretel aus. :|
Hänsel und Gretel verirrten sich im Wald.
Es war so finster und auch so bitterkalt.
Sie kamen an ein Häuschen von Pfefferkuchen fein.
|: Wer mag der Herr wohl von diesem Häuschen sein? :|
Hu, hu, da schaut eine alte Hexe raus,
sie lockt die Kinder ins Pfefferkuchenhaus.
Sie stellte sich gar freundlich, o Hänsel, welche Not!
|: Sie will dich backen im Ofen braun wie Brot! :|
Doch als die Hexe zum Ofen schaut hinein,
ward sie geschoben von Hans und Gretelein.
Die Hexe musste braten, die Kinder geh'n nach Haus,
|: nun ist das Märchen von Hans und Gretel aus. :|
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year!
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Dear colleagues and friends,
Thank you for your wonderful work and creative ideas!
Let our good mood do not leave us in the New Year and let us make our fairytale project "Once upon a time..."- project of friendship!
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